However this concept contradicts reality, whether in China or in other countries where it is said, taught, affirmed written, that the manipulation is indispensable if you want to get good results. The patient doesn't react, Maybe sometimes he groans in a low voice.How to react when you are confronted with the categorical affirmations of some of your colleagues? There are so many fields in which it is easy to affirm with no special consequences.It is true that the different manipulations fit very well with the theories of the techniques, and to endorse them adds to the harmony and to the apparent cohesion of the acupunctural thinking process..Is this minimum of movement even necessary? Does it increase the effectiveness of the treatment? Does the practitioner apply this technique regularly? And if not, in which case does he perform it? The great majority of practitioners whom I have seen at work insert the needle, and that's all. Without manipulation you will get no results, or very little. Concerning the relations between the practitioner and the patient it may raise problems of adaptation.That is what happens in acupuncture when the teacher, the colleague, and/or the "professor" claim that it is essential to manipulate the needle after having inserted it.Souli de Morant introduced the systematic use of silver and gold needles, either to strengthen or to disperse. Not too much, very discreetly. There is a long list of actions which proceed all from a logic depending closely on the traditional vision of acupuncture: tonification, dispersion, regulation, increasing of the sensation, concentration or liberation of Qi, stimulation or tranquillizing, etc. His needles where very short and thick. It is sometimes described in flowery words, using subtle or poetic words in the old texts As it is a part of the complicating process of the acupuncturists gesture it seems essential, as if there was good acupuncture only with manipulation of whatever kind. I have seen dozens, maybe hundreds of acupuncturists perform.This is the claim: the needle manipulation is essential for a good efficacy of the treatment. Using measure and wisdom, but also logic and rigor.It might be convenient to sensitize the reader to this particular situation. What was essential was the choice of the points (a choice made according to the very elegant rule inspired from the Five Elements and applied to acupuncture).. In other situations this kind of decree or proclamation may destabilize, especially if it is in contradiction with your beliefs or with what somebody else whom you respect has said. So what to think about needle manipulation?I have given you food for thought. From the cultural point of view it is a fascinating issue.But when I arrived in Hong Kong in 1968 and asked my first master about this technique he first did not understand, but then realized what I was talking about: "Oh, yes, it is one of the techniques that can be used, but the best is to trust the choice of points and the manipulation.. Never have I seen them manipulate the needles as it is described in the old or modern texts. And from the practical angle its strict application is not at all obvious. But he himself didn't manipulate the needles. The use of gold or silver needles enhanced the effect of strengthening or dispersing the stimulated points. If I wanted to exhaust to topic I would need many pages and stories and observations. So many versions and claims circulate that should be clarified or disposed of.But first what does it mean by the manipulation of the needle? It is very simple: after it has been inserted in the body the practitioner applies various kinds of movements to increase the efficiency of the treatment. From the intellectual point of view it is stimulating. It was impossible to manipulate them. Maybe an eBook. This is a topic on which I have pondered Ultrasonic Cell Disruption for a long time, using what had been written, what I heard during the lessons, congresses or seminars, and also my own experience. Chinese and non-Chinese, Europeans or Americans, Australians or even Japanese. The most I saw them do is to hold the handle of the needle between the thumb and the index and apply two kinds of movements: twirl it or push and withdraw just a little
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